I am a young Photographer from Cape Cod/Boston, Ma. armed with a Fulbright Scholarship and a Canon 5D Mark II. For 10 months I will living in Arusha, Tanzania working with various research projects and NGO's to make a documentary on human/wildlife conflict.


Some of my favorite moments during my trip to Tanzania were when we had to get together for group photos. First of all, group photos in general can never be anything less than a shot full of goofy, forced smiles and awkward poses, especially when you're with a group of kids you've never hung out with before in a foreign country! The best part was, while we sat there, trying to keep steady smiles on our faces and our eyes from watering as we stared into the sun, was Curt, Kikoti and Julian fumbling with a dozen different cameras for 5 minutes. Curt, who isn't exactly camera-savvy (no offense, Curt) took the shots, while Kikoti "prepared" them by turning them on, Julian just held the ones that were already used. Between Curt's near-sighted shutterbug skills, Kikoti's tech knowledge and Julian's English it was like watching the 3 Stooges. It was at least a 15 minute ordeal to collect everyone's camera and squeeze into a small enough huddle to fit into the shot, yet at every scenic vista and observation area we had to get out and do it again. Watching Curt, Kikoti & Julian juggle and babble back and forth between English and Swahili never got old for me, it was just as ridiculous and hilarious as the time before. I felt like I was on family vacation all over again!

Here's the same shot from the other side....

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