I am a young Photographer from Cape Cod/Boston, Ma. armed with a Fulbright Scholarship and a Canon 5D Mark II. For 10 months I will living in Arusha, Tanzania working with various research projects and NGO's to make a documentary on human/wildlife conflict.


more photos!

My view of Mt. Meru from my balchony

Outdoor seating at my favorite cafe in Arusha (so far!)

Pretty Yellow Weaver, there are TONS of them outside my room!


  1. Boy, it looks really beautiful there. It must be great to sit on that balcony in the early morning with binoculars to check out the cool birds and critters. Love your photos! Love you!

  2. I'm so jealous. National Geographic's got nothin on you!

  3. Hi, I'm friends with Kyle and he overheard another friend and I talking about how much we loved elephants and Africa the other day and he gave me your blog url. So I figured I'd come say hey!


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