I am a young Photographer from Cape Cod/Boston, Ma. armed with a Fulbright Scholarship and a Canon 5D Mark II. For 10 months I will living in Arusha, Tanzania working with various research projects and NGO's to make a documentary on human/wildlife conflict.


My little Suzuki Escudo

I have found my truck! It's a little Suzuki Escudo, like the same thing as a Samurai in the US. It's automatic and has a stick in case you get stuck. I test drove it around Arusha last week and it was WAY easier than I thought it would be! The wheel is on the right and you drive on the left, but the pedals are the same so it really wasn't too confusing. The blinker is on the opposite side of the wheel, so I kept putting the windshield wipers on! It already has a cd player in it, so I'm pumped. It also has brand new off-road tires, so Kikoti says its a good deal. Now I just have to battle with Bank of America and the Barclays here to get my money! It's really difficult to take out large amounts of money here, because the exchange is so high; $1 = 1,335 Shillings (Tsh) so...my truck will cost over 10million Tsh!!!
awwww, Kidogo Escuso! (little Escudo!)

I'll be geting an spare tire for the back too, so he will be much tougher looking then!

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